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Science子刊反驳饥饿激素的作用 引发争议

来源/作者:alax   发表时间:April 22, 2016, 2:22 p.m.   文章热度:892   


  法国生物医学研究机构INSERM的一组研究人员发现,携带过度激活ghrelin(通常被称为“饥饿激素”)受体的转基因小鼠并没有与预想一样食欲增加,但体重仍然增加。这一研究成果公布在4月19日的Science Signaling杂志上,指出认为ghrelin是一种食物摄入调控因子的长期观点并不准确,这引发了众多争议。


法国生物医学研究机构INSERM的一组研究人员发现,携带过度激活ghrelin(通常被称为“饥饿激素”)受体的转基因小鼠并没有与预想一样食欲增加,但体重仍然增加。这一研究成果公布在4月19日的Science Signaling杂志上,指出认为ghrelin是一种食物摄入调控因子的长期观点并不准确,这引发了众多争议。

来自耶鲁大学医学院的Tamas Horvath(未参与这项研究)表示,“这是一项思维上吸引人的发现,要问我是否100%相信ghrelin对控制饮食没有影响的话,答案是不,但我认为(作者们)发出了一组具有煽动性的数据,而且我认为这将促进更多的科学家们深入探索这一重要的问题。”


领导最新这项研究的法国生物医学研究院精神病学和神经科学研究中心的Jacques Pantel说,分析这种激素与受体这些作用的一些之前的研究尝试混淆了两者。因为ghrelin或者GHSR基因敲除,并不会得到预想的结果,“动物并没有厌食,这个不仅令人失望”,Pantel说。




“非常奇怪,就一种所谓促进食欲的激素而言,这些动物并没有比野生型吃的更多,”Pantel 说。


那么为什么注射的ghrelin要比内源性的ghrelin更能增强食欲呢?现在还不清楚,Pantel说,但一种可能性就是注射提供这种突然的大剂量的激素,会激活大脑中某些部位里的 GHSR 受体,而正常的内源性拨打则没有这种效果。这些非典型的刺激可能因何原因增强了食欲。

来自南加州大学的神经学家Sebastien Bouret 表示,他怀疑内源性ghrelin其实并不影响食物摄入。他认为也有可能就是一种补偿机制,“理想实验就是在成人中进行这样的获得性实验……从而不会引发补偿机制,然后就能得到正确的结论了。”


Y. Chebani et al., “Enhanced responsiveness of GhsrQ343X rats to ghrelin results in enhanced adiposity without increased appetite,” Science Signaling, 9, ra39, 2016.

The ability of the gut hormone ghrelin to promote positive energy balance is mediated by the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHSR). GHSR is a G protein–coupled receptor (GPCR) that is found centrally and peripherally and that can signal in a ligand-independent manner basally or when heterodimerized with other GPCRs. However, current Ghsr knockout models cannot dissect ghrelin-dependent and ghrelin-independent signaling, precluding assessment of the physiological importance of these signaling pathways. An animal model carrying a Ghsr mutation that preserves GHSR cell surface abundance, but selectively alters GHSR signaling, would be a useful tool to decipher GHSR signaling in vivo. We used rats with the GhsrQ343X mutation (GhsrM/M), which is predicted to delete the distal part of the GHSR carboxyl-terminal tail, a domain critical for the signal termination processes of receptor internalization and β-arrestin recruitment. In cells, the GHSR-Q343X mutant showed enhanced ligand-induced G protein–dependent signaling and blunted activity of processes involved in GPCR signal termination. GhsrM/M rats displayed enhanced responses to submaximal doses of ghrelin or GHSR agonist. Moreover, GhsrM/M rats had a more stable body weight under caloric restriction, a condition that increases endogenous ghrelin tone, whereas under standard housing conditions, GhsrM/M rats showed increased body weight and adiposity and reduced glucose tolerance. Overall, our data stress the physiological role of the distal domain of GHSR carboxyl terminus as a suppressor of ghrelin sensitivity, and we propose using the GhsrM/M rat as a physiological model of gain of function in Ghsr to identify treatments for obesity-related conditions.


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